Insight from Officiants on Oklahoma’s Women’s Bill of Rights

Oklahoma’s Women’s Bill of ‘Rights

A Wedding Officiant in OKC Explains How Oklahoma’s Women’s Bill of ‘Rights’ Will Harm the Transgender Community 

The Women’s “Bill of Rights” was proposed by Oklahoma’s Sen. Jessica Garvin. According to the senator, the bill will make Oklahoma’s law clearer, uniform, and more specific. The bill aims to define “female” and “mother” explicitly to clarify the protections for both entities under the law. If the bill passes, the definition of ‘female’ and ‘mother’ will change. Females will only refer to “a natural person with a developed reproductive system to produce ova,” while mothers will be “the female parent of a child or children.”

The law further seeks to exempt men from female prisons, domestic violence shelters, detention facilities, restrooms, rape crisis centers, and locker rooms. While the law is meant to protect female privacy and safety, wedding officiants in Oklahoma believe it may affect the transgender community negatively. This is because the bill has explicitly defined a female as a person with a developed reproductive system to produce ova, disregarding transgender people who identify as female.

This will be an undue restriction for female trans to have access to certain amenities, leaving them vulnerable under the law. If the law follows the definition of female in this bill, it means members of the trans community will be left unprotected by some of the laws protecting female rights. This could result in high vulnerability, causing great harm to transgender people.

Wedding officiants in Oklahoma City officiating transgender wedding ceremonies and other wedding types believe that members of the trans community are already less protected. Passing this bill into law will remove the little legal protection remaining for them. Marriage officiants believe that by following Sen. Jessica Garvin’s proposed definition of female, a similar definition will be applied to define a male. The implication is that trans men and women won’t fall under any category going by that definition, and there’d be little or no laws protecting them.

Wedding officiants in Piedmont, OK,

Wedding ministers in Edmond, Oklahoma, and marriage officiants in Oklahoma City know how much discrimination members of the LGBTQ+ community face. They believe passing bills like this as the law will only increase it. They believe there’s an intrinsic limitation in the law for transgender and it could affect many things.

An example is putting a trans female in a male prison due to the lack of a ‘developed reproductive organ that produces ova.’ This will expose the intimate to a lot of danger from the other gender. Beyond the danger of assault, it could trigger psychological trauma. It could also affect physical well-being if the trans female is forced to do intense labor designated for the other gender. Many other things may occur in such a scenario. Hence, the reservations of wedding officiants in Oklahoma City about the proposed bill.

Wedding ministers in Oklahoma from too many wedding officiant agencies in OKC have been at the core of the fight against discrimination and marginalization against the LGBTQ+ community. Thus, any policy, law, or bill with negative effects, whether deliberate or otherwise, will be met with strong opposition from the wedding officiants community in Oklahoma.

This is essential to ensure that the little progress recorded over the years isn’t lost. Wedding officiants in Oklahoma have played a huge role in ensuring that transgender people and members of the LGBTQ+ community are met with less hostile treatment and a warm reception. They’re committed to keeping this up and increasing positivity and acceptance.

They’ve achieved this through sensitization, sanctioning, and incentives, but this latest bill could be a big hindrance to the community’s progress over the years.

Possible Solution to the Effect of the Women’s Bill of Rights on the Transgender Community

The wedding ministers in Oklahoma have carefully highlighted the perceived negative effect of the women’s bill of rights by Sen. Jessica Garvin. However, in the same vein, they’ve considered possible solutions to make the situation a win-win. Here are possible occurrences that the transgender community may receive with gladness:

  • Amending the Bill Terms

Instead of outright rejecting the bill, marriage officiants in Oklahoma City believe the bill can be amended so that transgender people won’t lose their legal protection. Extending the definition to cover transgender people or separately defining “transgender” in the bill are the two possible ways of achieving this.

However, it is increasingly unlikely for these two to occur anytime soon. This is why it is vital to have individuals that believe in gender identity protection as part of lawmakers. Wedding officiants in OKC are ready to call for outright rejection of the bill if any of the two proffered amendments can’t be met.

  • Proposing a New Transgender Protection Act

The passage of Sen. Jessica Garvin’s bill into law will reduce the level of legal protection members of the transgender community enjoys. Hence, proposing a protection bill for the community is the only right thing to do. Wedding ministers in Oklahoma believe doing this would be a big step in the right direction, and it can help restore hope and confidence to the LGBTQ+ community.

Unless other intrinsic clauses are associated with the proposed bill, it will affect the transgender community and hamper its growth. Thus, there’s a need to scrap the bill or implement other possible solutions to mitigate the effect when passed into law.

Wedding officiants in Yukon, Oklahoma, wedding officiants in Piedmont, OKC, wedding officiants in Broken Arrow, OK, and other wedding officiants in Oklahoma City at large, are all united towards ensuring transgender people and members of the LGBTQ+ community are respected, treated right, and protected under law. The least they can do is kick against a law that can bring the opposite effect.

Final Words

Wedding officiants in Oklahoma City conducting wedding ceremonies in OKC for transgender people and other clients will hope the bill is amended or not passed into law to prevent the possible harm it can cause to the transgender community. While the bill is proposed in good faith, it fails to consider other important aspects, making it faulty.

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