How a Wedding Officiant in OKC Handles an Objection During a Wedding Ceremony in Oklahoma

Are you waiting for that special day where you and your significant other will exchange vows of being forever till “death do you apart”? If you have already hired a wedding officiant in OKC to help you on your special day, it’s best to learn about a few important things. You may have heard the popular wedding phrase “speak now or forever hold your peace,” right? Well, you may not have seen anyone speak in response to that. But what if someone does respond to that phrase at your wedding and claims to have an objection?

What will you do in that circumstance? Gladly, you can turn to your wedding minister in Oklahoma City to figure out the issue. It’s a traditional phrase with moral values and a few ethical boundaries. It allows an individual at a wedding ceremony to raise legitimate concerns or objects as legal guidelines. However, it can ruin your special day with your significant other if the objection isn’t handled right.

How does a Wedding Officiant in Oklahoma City Handle a Wedding Objection?

“Speak now or forever hold your peace” is a phrase slowly disappearing from modern wedding ceremonies. Modern weddings are now considering replacing this phrase with a more inclusive and pleasant alternative. The phrase has been a part of the wedding tradition for hundreds of years. Still, not repeating the phrase doesn’t guarantee that no one will raise any objections. Of course, objections or discrepancies are the last things you wish to deal with during your amazing wedding photography in OKC.

Even if someone doesn’t see eye to eye with you about your wedding and waits for the specific phrase to raise any objections, how will your wedding officiant in Oklahoma handle the case? Knowing that your OKC wedding officiant is the one to announce that phrase, they should be the one to judge and handle any objection that comes forth.

It could be a jilted lover from the past or a family member who has the habit of poking and making every memorable event unpleasant. To handle such a situation, someone with resilience and knowledge must remain present at the ceremony. And who’s better than a wedding officiant in Oklahoma City?

Starting a Private Conversation Session

What’s the natural reaction to someone trying to disturb a wedding? People would naturally start screaming or yelling at best. However, there’s no need for such a gut reaction with a professional wedding officiant on the scene. You can try and remain calm. Of course, it would serve best if the whole crowd could come to a pause and let the wedding officiant handle the situation.

If the objection is critical and appears to be a conflict of interest, the wedding officiant will most certainly advise starting a private conversation session. The session will most likely involve the couple, the individual who objected, the wedding officiant, and a few beloved family members. The objection will trigger the crowd and cause a vibe of unpleasantness in the venue. So, there’s no need to panic or start a scene that could endanger the whole venue’s objective.

The wedding officiant will find a proper venue or private setting within a venue to let those involved have a peaceful conversation discreetly. It will allow the couple and beloved family members to discuss and weigh the objection. Your wedding officiant in OKC will intervene if the conflicts arise even higher or if the situation gets out of control. Normally, the wedding officiant will listen to the objections of the objecting party, weigh them against the couple’s remarks, and console both parties.

Consoling All Parties

It could be anything as simple as, “We appreciate you sharing your concerns and helping us acknowledge what you think is important. However, we must inform you that we feel differently, and in our opinion, the wedding ceremony is taking place at the right time, place, and environment”. The wedding officiant will advise the couple that you don’t have to justify your decision for marriage at any cost to the objecting party unless the case falls onto legal grounds.

Not Paying Too Much Attention

One of the main tactics that your wedding minister in Oklahoma City will prefer is to avoid paying any attention. We all know that repeating the traditional phrase doesn’t require anyone to stand up and interrupt the lovely event of two loving individuals. If something like that happens, the wedding minister in OKC will advise not to pay attention or simply acknowledge and carry on with the ceremony.

If the objection is trivial and appears to be hysterical rather than important, the wedding officiant will pay a brief apology to the crowd for the interruption and move forward. As per the advice of a professional wedding officiant in Oklahoma, you must not let someone’s unfair objection ruin your happiest and most memorable life moment.

On the bright side, some wedding officiants in Oklahoma City advise not to serve alcohol until the ceremony is over and the couple has exchanged their respective vows.

Can The Wedding Officiant OKC Skip “Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace”?

Can you skip the “speak now or……” part from your wedding ceremony? It’s a legit question, and yes, if you’re not a member of the Episcopal or Anglican Church, you can certainly skip the traditional phrase. Depending on your congregation and your hired wedding officiant’s flexibility, you can add an alternative phrase that’s more inclusive and comforting for everyone attending the wedding ceremony.

How Will a Wedding Officiant in Oklahoma Prevent Objection at Your Wedding?

There are various ways your wedding officiant in Oklahoma City might help prevent an objection at your wedding ceremony. Of course, you cannot control any angry guest’s impulses and remarks. But, you can be mindful of who you invite to your wedding ceremony. You can start the list of guests with your most loved ones (both sides), move to family, friends, and then other people that you may know.

Anyone you think might have an objection or may try to interrupt the wedding ceremony, you can keep them off the guest list. Besides, nearly all wedding officiants in Oklahoma City advise that you should have less than a few drinks before the wedding ceremony.


An objection primarily helps individuals raise legal concerns about a wedding and its eligibility. Hence, an objection mustn’t be unfair or emotion-driven. If the objection is trivial and unimportant, you can turn to your wedding officiants like Dr. Makayla Saramosing and Dr. Tinsley Keefe at Lifelong Wedding Ceremonies. Whether it’s a gay marriage or otherwise, your wedding officiant is the best person to help you handle an objection.

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