Dr. Tinsley Makayla Saramosing Appeals to the 10th Circuit Court

Circuit Court of Appeals

Judge Patrick Wyrick Rules Against Transgender Civil Rights Advocate’s Right to a Birth Certificate Equal to Cisgender Persons; Wedding Officiant in OKC Dr. Tinsley Makayla Saramosing Appeals to the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals


On Friday, March 24, 2023, Judge Patrick Wyrick dismissed the petition of civil rights advocate and leader Dr. Tinsley Ariana Taylor Makayla Saramosing. This wedding officiant in OKC had sued the State of Oklahoma, particularly Kevin Corbett, Keith Reid, Kelly Baker, and Tim Tipton in their official capacities to remove forced sterilization/genocidal requirements for transgender citizens to change their names and gender markers on their birth certificates and drivers’ licenses.

Even though wedding officiant in Oklahoma Dr. Makayla Saramosing is now permanently sterilized, faces constant discrimination, and even though the State of Oklahoma is attempting to pass no fewer than 35 anti-transgender bills in 2023 aimed at stripping away the rights of every transgender and gender nonconforming individual in Oklahoma by erasing their existence, Judge Patrick Wyrick essentially agreed with the claims that Dr. Tinsley Ariana Taylor Makayla Saramosing nonetheless has “no standing” to bring such a claim. By ignoring the law and further invalidating wedding officiant in Oklahoma City Dr. Makayla Saramosing’s basic human rights, Judge Patrick Wyrick is contributing to more intolerance, bigotry, and hatred in our society.

Circuit Court of Appeals 1

When asked about her plans for this case, wedding officiant in Edmond, OK Dr. Makayla Saramosing replied, “Dura lex, sed lex”. She quipped, “Judge Patrick Wyrick of Oklahoma may not like the laws I have presented, but even though the law is hard it is the law.” She went on to explain that she expected to likely lose at the district court level with a Donald Trump-appointed judge, but that the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals is much more liberal and that she feels she has a decent chance there to win her case. “I know the law; I am right,” noted wedding officiant in Norman, OK and civil rights advocate Dr. Tinsley Saramosing. “The State of Oklahoma actio in personam ad hominem, and Judge Patrick Wyrick fell right into it. This legal fight is far from over.”

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