5 must have for your autumn wedding

Raise your hand to the bride who falls in the fall weddings! Elegant, natural, warm and cozy – Autumn has long since ceased to be the little sister of summer and spring, to become the favorite season for many brides. And it is not for nothing! Ceremonies in the middle of reddened forests, wedding dresses with cape, guests with super-elegant semi-coats and sets of love blankets, this season offers everything to organize an ideal wedding! We’re the wedding planners in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and today we’re going to tell you how you can make your autumn wedding even more amazing.

Are you ready to know which are our 5 must for your autumn wedding? LET’S START!

1. Into the woods

Autumn gives us an incredible palette of natural tones and average temperatures that are perfect for a ceremony in the middle of nature. You get lush trees that change color, a blanket of reddened leaves, floral compositions that combine earthy, orange and red tones with the last green throbs of the season, a warm autumn light – can you imagine a better setting for a wedding? If you want to give your ceremony a magical atmosphere, do not hesitate – this is the best time of the year.

2. Candlelight

Candles make us crazy – they are always a must-have but much more in the fall. Take advantage of the warmth of the candles combined with natural elements to create super romantic centerpieces, exquisite hanging garlands and intimate corners perfect for taking photos. The instagramers of your wedding will not be able to resist the photos with this deco!

3. A romantic bouquet with contrasts

Autumn is perfect for creating spectacular bouquets. You already know that floral contrasts make us fall in love and this time gives rise to mixing the delicacy of roses, the strength of dried flowers, the fluffiness of cotton, or even giving it a daring touch with some more sophisticated flower.

If you want to give life to your bouquet, opt for the orange reds combined beige and green shades, which are pure autumn! And if you want to give it a more romantic and elegant touch, bet on the earth and garnet tones.

4. Change of look at the dance

Who said that in autumn you can’t be daring? If you want to give the bell, choose a long dress for your ceremony in the middle of the forest. However, when the night falls and the music start playing, make a change of look and dare with a short and light dress, such as short wedding dresses for civil wedding and dance until dawn! They will be speechless for sure!

5. The golden hour

Gold is the king of autumn in all its nuances (yellow gold, pink gold, old gold). We fall in love, you know that. Use it in some key element of the ceremony, on the edge of tableware and glassware, in candleholder elements, in the centerpieces, or even in your wedding shoes giving a glitter touch to your look. Make the golden sparkles blend with the reddish and green tones, and make your wedding shine like no other.

With these tips you already have all the keys – you are ready to have a spectacular autumn wedding in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma! Until the next post!

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