Tinsley Keefe Speaks on Transgenders & Weddings | How to Be Yourself

Getting married is not something that happens every day; at least it is not something that should happen every day. When you find the love of your life, getting married is something special. If you are transgender and you are getting married, it might be even more special to you than it is for others. You have finally found the person who will accept you as you are. Sometimes it is the best feeling in the world. Other times, throwing or attending a wedding as a transgender can be nerve-racking. It is easy to clam up and forget who you really are. This is why Tinsley Ariana Taylor Keefe, a wedding officiant in Oklahoma City, stresses the importance of being yourself before, during, and after your wedding.

Weddings are something you should always enjoy, whether or not it is your wedding. It is a beautiful thing to watch two people in love become life partners. It is also easy to forget that beauty because you are too busy drowning in the fear of rejection. Tinsley Keefe has found a few pointers during her time as a wedding officiant in Oklahoma, and she shares those pointers with us in hopes of helping transgenders everywhere. Just because you are not the “norm” that society has deemed “appropriate” does not mean you cannot enjoy the beautiful things in life. Who cares what other people think? The first pointer that Tinsley Ariana Taylor Keefe shares is the simplest one: stop caring.

Your life is your business. Do not let anyone tell you differently or make you feel differently. If you stop caring what others say and/or think, you will have an easier time in both weddings and life in general. You have nothing to fear – nothing to be ashamed of – as you are one of the few humans brave enough to accept and portray their true selves regardless of the stigma behind the label. That is something to be proud of; not cower from. The second pointer that Dr. Tinsley Ariana Taylor Keefe shares is not always simple, but it can be easy once you get the hang of it. Pulling from her experience as a wedding officiant in OKC, Dr. Tinsley Keefe explains that the second pointer is to have fun.

You are at a wedding. Whether this wedding is yours or a friend’s, it is meant to be enjoyed. Nothing should stop you – especially not the fear of being yourself. Finding fun at wedding-related events is easy; it is the participating in the fun that is not always simple. Tinsley Ariana Taylor Keefe has seen enough wedding ceremonies as a wedding officiant in Oklahoma City to know that the last pointer is the most important: just let go. There is a time and a place for your fears to creep up and a wedding is not it. If anything, use this time to let go of your worries and enjoy your life. You deserve the chance to be carefree and happy, if only for a moment.

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