There is a commonly followed standard in society when it comes to married couples, and that is doing their money together. Even those that are not married are pooling their income with their significant others because that seems to be the normal thing to do. If you are living with your significant other, sharing meals and groceries, going to the same places and utilizing the same products, then the easy thing to do is obviously combine wallets and work the financial situation together.
On the other hand, Tinsley Keefe has also married many couples as wedding officiants in Oklahoma City that have preferred doing their money separately – even after marriage. The thing is: there is nothing wrong with this either. For most, money is one of the most common arguments. When you are doing your money together, you risk the chance of the other accusing you of spending more than necessary – or cheating them out of money they rightfully earned.
It is no surprise that money is truly the root of all evil. Money can destroy friendships, families, and it can also easily destroy relationships and marriages. This is why Tinsley Keefe stresses the importance of coming to a mutual agreement with your life partner on your financial standings. Due to her experience working as a wedding officiant in Oklahoma, Tinsley knows that it is more than possible to do your money separately and still be happily married.
Even more, doing your money separately from your significant other might put less of a strain on your relationship if money is a regularly argued topic. On the other hand, doing your money together as a couple also has the possibility of bringing you closer over time. The outcome really depends on the individuals involved and their current financial standing. Obviously, if you are living paycheck to paycheck and you or your significant other has complaints regarding your mutual budget, then doing your money separately is probably the best option.
Throughout her years working as a wedding officiant in OKC, Tinsley has shared the same piece of advice with all of her clients: money should not matter. While it inevitably does, it should not matter in the grand scheme of things. The way true love works – you can have literally nothing and still be happy because you have the world in the person standing next to you; the person you will spend the rest of your life with.
There is nothing more romantic and comforting than knowing that, no matter what might happen, you will always have that one person fighting for you and with you through everything. This is why, ultimately, if you are truly in love it will not matter whether you do your money together or separately because you will be happy in the end either way. There might be no rest for the wicked, but at the very least there is no rest for true love either.