Tinsley Keefe Gives Tips on an Atheist Wedding Ceremony

With the stigma that is still very much alive in today’s society, being an atheist is not easy. You might have friends that are offended at your beliefs, but more commonly . . . you might have family. For most of your life, this is easily avoided by simply avoiding the subject. Maybe you made it clear that you do not wish to partake in religious outings and that was the end of it. Maybe you forced yourself into participating in religious outings simply to stop the arguments from even happening. That is all fine and dandy, but now you are here. Now you are about to get married. Dr. Tinsley Ariana Taylor Keefe has seen family drama centered on religious beliefs an endless amount of times as a wedding officiant in Oklahoma City. It is never fun to witness and it is never fun to experience firsthand.

At the same time, it is your wedding and you deserve to be a part of a ceremony that truly means something to you. Getting married in a religious way is redundant if you are an atheist. Luckily, Dr. Tinsley Keefe has experienced enough atheist wedding ceremonies as a wedding officiant in Oklahoma to know the tricks of the trade. The first thing that Tinsley stresses is the significance of getting creative. If you are an atheist, you have the chance to bring true ingenuity to your wedding ceremony.  You have the chance to impress your guests so much that even if they are religious, they will be too busy admiring your style to notice the lack of relation. Creative options are literally endless. You could plan the wedding at a beautiful venue to distract from not having a church. You could make a menu full of delicious foods to occupy their thoughts. If you decide to do vows, you can make them so memorable that your guests will have nothing else to think about for hours – for days!

The next tip that Tinsley Ariana Taylor Keefe offers is the easiest and most effective: be kind. If you show your guests complete and utter kindness, it should be hard for them to treat you with disrespect. By acting with love, your beauty will shine through and you will be seen in a brilliant light. Your wedding will be much more enjoyable if you let hostility disappear and you embrace your chance at lifelong happiness with your new companion. Unfortunately, some people are rude by nature. If you still experience trouble from overly-religious people, Tinsley Keefe recommends showing them the way out. If you put out the flames before the fire starts, you should have no problems enjoying the rest of your night. The biggest thing to remember is that it is your wedding and it should be celebrated as such. As long as you stay true to your heart while being able to compromise with your significant other, you will never go wrong.

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