Lifelong Wedding Ceremonies

Oklahoma Wedding Officiant


Terms and Conditions

In order to participate in our community forum and engage in discussions, you must agree to our community guidelines. Our guidelines outline the types of behavior and content that are acceptable and unacceptable within our community. By agreeing to our guidelines, you agree to take full responsibility for your actions and hold our community, its moderators, administrators, and members harmless from any legal claims that may arise from your participation in our forum. This includes claims of defamation, harassment, copyright infringement, and any other legal claims that may arise from your actions within our community. We take the safety and well-being of our members seriously and expect all participants to abide by our guidelines in order to maintain a respectful and productive community environment.

You hereby agree to cover all expenses related to legal proceedings, including includes court fees, attorney fees, witness fees, and any defamation or slander-related costs that may result from either party. You also accept liability for paying interest, compensatory damages, punitive damages, and nominal damages. Furthermore, you acknowledge that there are no refunds available for any work or services provided by us, whether the services have been completed or if you are unsatisfied with the work provided.

If you don’t wish to follow the rules and regulations set forth in the code of conduct, please exit the website promptly and refrain from engaging in any activities related to this establishment. Your presence within our facilities indicates that you have accepted and agreed to abide by all of the guidelines outlined in the code of conduct.


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(405) 696-6450


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