Funny Wedding Stories from Local Ministers & Pastors

Funny Wedding Stories


Wedding ceremonies are beautiful for couples. Declaring their love and making vows to each other in the presence of friends, loved ones, family members, and acquaintances is amazing. In some of these weddings, wedding officiants in Altus, Oklahoma have seen some funny moments which has culminated into some of the funniest wedding stories you will hear today.

The wedding cake disaster

As a local ordained wedding pastor one of the funniest wedding incidents that I have seen repeatedly is the wedding cake disaster. It is either the cake fell, was crooked, or someone ran into the cake. At this particular wedding, I officiated at, during the wedding reception, the six-tiered wedding cake collapsed just as the couple was about to cut the wedding cake. What was beautiful about it was that instead of the couple freaking out about the disaster, they laughed about it and smeared the cake on each other. It was beautiful seeing the couple intentionally choose to be joyful about their wedding day. Soon, wedding guests joined in on the fun.

The photo disaster

Another funny wedding story is when a photo booth was set up at a particular wedding. During the festivities, the couple decided to take wedding pictures. The photo booth fell in the process trapping the groom and making the guests laugh uncontrollably. When the laughter died down, with the help of the bride and some of the wedding guests, the groom was removed from the fallen wedding booth to safety.

Name mix-up

There are some instances when the friends of the couple mix up names when giving toasts. But, when the couple itself is guilty of mixing up their partner’s name, it can be tricky and funny. In a particular wedding, the bride while saying her vows called her husband by her ex’s name. Everyone laughed because she quickly corrected herself. But, not th groom who was shocked, speechless, and angry at the betrayal.

The uninvited wedding guest

Imagine an uninvited guest shows up at your wedding. You may become tensed and stressed. But, when a stray dog or cat does so, if they are homely and calm it does not cause much alarm. In this wedding, while the wedding ceremony was going on, the stray dog waltzed into the wedding ceremony, stealing the moment briefly.

The drunk dance

Weddings are fun and beautiful especially when the couple are happy and clearly in love. Some guests however have too much to drink while celebrating the couple’s love. In this wedding, a drunk guest danced uncontrollably at a wedding. While trying to perform a dance choreography, his pants burst, flashing the wedding guests his underwear. He was covered and rushed to a quiet place to calm down.

Catching the bouquet

Most brides know who they want to throw their bouquet to. It could be a sister, family member, or friend with who they want to find love/ they sometimes even tell this person where to stand so they can strategically catch the thrown bouquet. As a local wedding minister in OKC I witnessed when the bride threw her wedding bouquet and out of nowhere, one of the ladies jumped in true goalkeeper style to catch the bouquet. It was shocking and funny because no one saw it coming.


There you have it, some of the funniest wedding stories from local ordained wedding officiants. These stories show that love is beautiful and sometimes things that happen at wedding ceremonies are unpredictable and out of the couple’s control. The most important thing in these situations is focusing on the love shared between the couple. At Lifelong Wedding Ceremonies, we are interested in your big day turning out great and memorable. So, to get the services of a professional wedding officiant who will officiate your big day beautifully and without stress, reach out to us at and, you can also call or text us at (405) 696-6450. 


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