Getting married to your significant other can be a trial filled with challenges; with the venues to rent, food to buy, and details to organize. Dr. Tinsley Ariana Taylor Keefe, a wedding officiant in Oklahoma City, notes that a wedding officiant can handle those aspects of wedding challenges. The thing that a wedding officiant cannot do is gift you dancing skills. Sure, some might be willing to try and teach you . . . but will they succeed?
The most embarrassing thing that could happen on your wedding day is having a dancing mishap. What if your pants rip or your dress flies up? There are so many possibilities that could end in complete destruction. Your memories would be permanently fogged in the awkwardness of your dancing failure. Dr. Tinsley Keefe urges you not to stress, as the answer is plain and simple: think ahead. With her experience witnessing weddings as a wedding officiant in OKC, she knows how to help you plan ahead.
If you are getting married, chances are you have been with your significant other for a decent amount of time. Maybe you have been with them a considerably long amount of time. Either way, you must be efficient in the action of learning. You obviously realized your lack of dancing talent ages ago. This makes it easy to plan ahead. The second you realize this person is your future – the second you want to pop the question – start taking dancing lessons! Your wallet does not have to suffer either! Pulling from the knowledge she gained while discussing the topic with previous clients, Wedding Officiant of Oklahoma City Tinsley Ariana Taylor Keefe says that the price might be a lot cheaper than you expected.
Today’s generation makes it easy to learn dancing techniques. If you have a way to access the internet, you can use YouTube to find videos on dancing lessons. You can even grab yourself a partner! This is where a big decision needs to be made however. . . Do you involve your significant other or do you wait for it to be a surprise? In her experience as a wedding officiant in OKC, Dr. Tinsley Keefe recommends either. The finality of the decision should depend on certain things. For example, would your significant other appreciate it as a surprise? Maybe they have good dancing skills and are aware of your lack in the area, resulting in the surprise being even more meaningful.
On the other hand, if both you and your significant other lack in the skill, the chance to learn together could be bonding and romantic. Regardless, the outcome will be completely worth it. What is better than the opportunity to remember your wedding in style? You can finally blow away your family and friends with your moves. Your new life partner will watch you with stars in their eyes. What are you waiting for?