Discovering Spain’s First Same-Sex Couple in the Catholic Church

Catholic Church’s First Lesbian Couple in Spain

Hello, and  Welcome back to our YouTube channel today.  Being here we know that you love weddings and seeing people in love which we try to keep you informed about. I’m Makayla, a wedding officiant. Today, ordained ministers explore the catholic church’s first lesbian couple Marcela Gracia Ibeas and Elisa Sanchez Loriga of Spain. Don’t forget that, to get the services of a professional wedding officiant you can reach out to us at (405) 696-6450

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Introduction to the video 

Marcela Gracia Ibeas and Elisa Sanchez Loriga of Spain story is nothing short of inspiring many people, especially gay couples today. They paved the way for so many people in the LGBTQIA+ community wishing to get married. At the time they got married, same-sex marriages were prohibited and frowned upon, but these couples in love did not care, they only chose to follow their hearts. June 8th, 1901 saw the making of history when they became the first same-sex couple who got married in a catholic church in Spain. Today, we will be exploring their love and their story

Marcela and Elisa’s history

When people hear the name Elisa and Marcela their minds are often cast to the first pioneers of same-sex marriage in a catholic church in Spain. But not many people know the history of this couple. These women met at the Teacher-Training College in A Coruña, Galicia where they studied to become teachers. Initially, they were friends and nothing else, but they quickly became romantic partners even when the gay relationship was forbidden in 1902

A Clever Disguise

when it was clear to Elisa and Marcela that they were in love and wanted to be married to each other at a time when same-sex marriages were not allowed, they knew they had to come up with a clever disguise if they were to be together. Elisa adopted a male identity, “Mario Sánchez,” and dressed as a man for their wedding ceremony at a catholic church in Spain. The name was also  listed on the marriage certificate

Forced to flee

After their clever disguise, their fairytale life was shortlived because the truth of their identity and what they had done was discovered by their neighbors. The couple had to flee to avoid punishment. They lost their jobs, received backlash from people, and were excommunicated from church. An arrest warrant was issued for them, and they had to run. It was rumored that they ran to continue their lives together.

Challenges of same-sex couples

Marcela and Elisa’s story highlights the problems that same-sex couples face to this day in our communities. In some countries, same-sex couples cannot get married, they are not treated equally like other couples. Not only do these gay couples face legal and social discrimination but sometimes even their families do not accept them. They face stigmatization which can lead to mental health issues. These same-sex couples are often afraid of falling in love or getting married in countries where gay marriages are frowned upon. These challenges that were prevalent years ago are still prevalent in some places even today”

Their impact

The impact of Marcela Gracia Ibeas and Elisa Sanchez Loriga of Spain on the LGBTQIA+ community is still felt to this day. Their actions impacted and have continued to impact several people. It influenced the legalization of same-sex marriage in Spain in 2005. It has helped so many same-sex couples to get married and know that they are also deserving of loving and staying committed to their partners by law. The story of Marcela and Elisa has been captured beautifully in the 2019 film “Elisa & Marcela,” which was directed by Isabel Coixet. It is a beautiful story that has resonated with so many people


With Marcela and Elisa’s love story, we can see that even today members of the LGBTQIA+ community still face many struggles when it comes to being accepted and treated equa;;y in the world. In some countries, legislation has been made prohibiting same-sex marriages. But. from Marcel and Elisa’s story, we see that there is hope to fight for who you love and live in your truth even when the odds are against you. At Lifelong Wedding Ceremonies, we are interested in your big day turning out great and memorable. So, to get the services of a professional wedding officiant with a proven track record in officiating several weddings, reach out to us at and, you can also call or text us at (405) 696-6450. Do not forget to like, share, and subscribe for more informative content.”


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